Code Ring: A Symbol of Self-Actualization

Salomeh Sorouri and Salvi Samiei Kashi's Unique Jewelry Design

Salomeh Sorouri and Salvi Samiei Kashi's Code Ring is a unique piece of jewelry that embodies the concept of self-actualization. This award-winning design combines traditional craftsmanship with innovative design elements, resulting in a piece that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also carries a deep symbolic meaning.

The Code Ring draws its inspiration from the concept of self-actualization, a term coined by psychologist Abraham Maslow, which refers to the realization of one's full potential. The design of the ring reflects this journey from darkness to light, with a stone firmly placed at the top, symbolizing an ever-beating heart, surrounded by golden capillaries. This design element serves as a constant reminder of the wearer's potential and the journey towards self-actualization.

What sets the Code Ring apart from other jewelry pieces is the use of exclusive, natural materials in its construction. The stones used in this collection are entirely natural, with no chemical colors or substances used in the production process. The combination of organic shapes in the ring's thin internal prong and the minimalistic structure of the external shanks creates a balanced and picturesque design.

The Code Ring is crafted from silver, a material with a long history in Iranian jewelry design and production. The ring's stone is made entirely from natural materials, making it both exclusive and environmentally friendly. The ring's technical specifications include a size of 55, dimensions of 3×2×1.5 cm, and a total weight of 7.2 grams.

The Code Ring's design also features an innovative interaction element. The interior part of the ring has a separate base and can be used as a standalone ring. The user can easily detach the internal base and its stone from the external shanks, creating two separate rings with different meanings. This feature adds an extra layer of versatility and personalization to the piece.

The Code Ring project started in 2017 and was finalized after the first prototype. The design of the ring's stone was based on field and empirical studies, with the stone showcased like a heart within the main gallery of the ring, symbolizing self-actualization. The design and production of this collection aimed to create job opportunities and entrepreneurship for different social groups, contributing to the creation of a sustainable product.

The Code Ring was awarded the Golden A' Jewelry, Eyewear, and Watch Design Award in 2020. This prestigious award is granted to marvelous, outstanding, and trendsetting creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom. They are venerated products and bright ideas that advance art, science, design, and technology, embodying extraordinary excellence and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Salomeh sorouri
Image Credits: Salomeh sorouri
Project Team Members: Seyedeh salvi samiei kashi
Project Name: Code ring
Project Client: Salomeh sorouri

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